Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Traveling with a 1 year old...

Hey everyone!! It's been awhile but here I am back at it again. My family and I just returned from a trip to Mexico. My husband has been gloating to me about a small town in Mexico where his parents are from for almost 10 years. Not sure why it took us so long to visit but we finally made it out to San Julian, Jalisco.

Flight prices were through the roof because we went at a popular time. So to stay in our budget, we booked layover flights. I made sure to read all of TSA's regulations so that I knew what to pack for my daughter Xolei. I filled her diaper bag with a bunch of goodies-especially to keep her entertained during our long flights. I chose one stuffed animal (they're her favorite), a few legos (they're easy to pack), of course her wubbanub Henry (he's a life saver), and snacks (graham crackers, mini muffins, and a couple of the kids squeeze yogurts). I do not like to give her any type of technology but I did pack our IPad for backup for the sake of those sitting around us. Thankfully on the way there all of these items except the IPad kept her busy. She was so good that when we landed, we had a few other travelers tell us how well behaved our daughter was. Yay to us!

Xolei is off of formula and off of her bottle. We started giving her whole milk when she turned 12 months with rice cereal mixed in. I was afraid of having her try a new type of milk in Mexico because there was a possibility of her becoming sick. I knew we couldn't travel with a week's worth of milk with out it spoiling so I decided to try something else. I bought enough Pediasure for the entire trip to replace her three milks she had a day. On your carry-on you're allowed to pack just enough to fill your baby's tummy for the duration of the flight. She loved the taste and its packed with lots of vitamins. Only downside was she wasn't finishing her meals because the Pediasure was so filling. But as long as she was content, then I was too.

I was lucky enough to have a family member give us a traveling cover for our car seat. But instead, I filled it with her playpin and her favorite blanky and pillow. Its hard for a baby to adjust to a new bed; especially for Xolei. So why not take her playpin where she could sleep comfortably. She already naps in her playpin everyday so it worked out perfectly. We also brought along her stroller. That thing is a life saver. I was able to walk through the airport with it and checked it in each time at the gate right before boarding without a charge. The carseat also travels for free in most airlines.

On our flight back we weren't so lucky to have a quiet and calm baby. I was quite over whelmed myself. Traveling is exhausting. Her nap times were off track and because of that she was really fussy. We had a two hour layover in Dallas which was perfect for her to lay in her stroller and nap. When she woke up, we fed her and on to our last fight we went. Thankfully Grandma & Grandpa had an empty seat in between so Xolei had a lot more wiggle room.

The best perk of traveling with a baby is they fly FREE! We have definitely taken advantage of this. Xolei has already been to Disneyworld, the Dominican Republic, and now Mexico. Where to next?

Overall, Xolei had a blast. She loved the weather and was able to enjoy the outdoors every single day. Every morning, Xolei and Grandpa went for a walk to the Mercado around the corner for some morning juice. We visited so many places, I cannot wait to take her back when shes old enough to remember.


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